Sunday, January 31, 2016

Making money the easy way online

Most people find making money online a difficult task. However with the wide number of options available these days, getting rich quick shouldn’t be too tough!

If you have always wanted that extra bit out of your internet experience and wanted to get riches quicker – this one’s for you. Now you can easily start making money online within just a few days. Here are some tried and tested opportunities ahead for you.


Franchising is a high impact business opportunity that allows you to start making money online very easily – without much of a hassle. The way it works is that the franchisor engages you (the franchisee) to sell and promote their products. They will provide you with all the training, support and marketing material needed. The more you sell the more your income potential is. Franchising is great because it gives you the same heady feeling of having your own business. Just that in this case you never need to run around looking for publicity and advertising resources. Nor do you need to search for a network of suppliers. The franchisor provides all this for you. Thus franchising provides a quick and safe way of making money on the Internet.


If writing is your passion then you’ll love this one. There are plenty of opportunities for making money online as far as the writing profession is concerned. You can contribute to blogs, forums and even to websites. There are many top companies who look for freelance content writers who are willing to work on a contract basis. For every project completed you get to command a good price. In fact some writers earn a major portion of their income just from a single assignment! Thus freelance writing represents a fantastic way of making money online.


If you love shopping and the ‘feel-good’ factor it provides, then online shopping can be a great way of making money online easily. You can shop on behalf of other people online. Most people don’t have the time these days to go shopping and hence are always looking for personal shoppers who would do the job for them. By being a personal shopper you are essentially getting paid to do something that you absolutely love! What could be better than that? Before you start engaging with clients, you need to have a fair idea of the personal preferences and color choices. Once you know their interests, it becomes easier to shop for them online. Thus personal shopping is one of the best ways of making money online easily on the Internet.

Taking surveys

Most companies who are serious about their online marketing campaigns are dead serious about surveys conducted online. They are ready to spend big money to get honest, opinionated views of their products. Thus if you wish to take surveys this can be a very good way of making money online quickly. Besides you can even earn big chunks of money from a single survey!

If you want to learn more, do not hesitate to visit the link attached. You will definitely be satisfied with what you can get from there.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Benefits of an accessible website part 1 - increase in reach

The DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) states that service providers must not discriminate against disabled people. A website is regarded as a service and therefore falls under this law, and as such must be made accessible to everyone.

Some organisations are making accessibility improvements to their websites, but many are seemingly not making the accessibility adjustments. Disabled people don't access their website, they say, so why should they care?

Why you should care about disabled Internet users

The statistics on the number of users who may face difficulties due to your website's accessibility are quite startling:

* There are 8.6 million registered disabled people in the UK - 14% of the population (source: DRC)

* One in 12 men and one in 200 women have some form of colour blindness - 9% of the UK population (source: Institution of Electrical Engineers)

* Two million UK residents have a sight problem - 4% of the population (source: RNIB)

* There are 12 million people aged 60 or over - 21% of the UK population (source: UK government)

Although there is inevitably some overlap between the aforementioned groups, adding up these numbers provides a total of 48% of the UK population that could potentially face problems with your website's accessibility. That's an extraordinarily high number.

It's not just disabled users who can't access your website

Non-disabled people may also experience difficulties with your website's accessibility. Not everyone is viewing your website on the latest version of Internet Explorer, with all the plug-ins and programs that you may require them to have for optimal access.

If your website relies on images, Flash or JavaScript, and fails to provide alternatives, then your website won't be accessible to a number of web users. The following examples are a common occurrence:

* Users on slow connections regularly turn images off to enable a quicker download time. Some browsers, such as the text-only Lynx browser do not display images at all.

* Not every user has downloaded the latest Flash program that's needed to access your site. Additionally, the download time on Flash websites often takes so long that users lose patience and don't even wait to see the content. Just 25% of web users in the UK are connected to the Internet via broadband (source: National Statistics).

* JavaScript is a scripting language that can cause changes to a page, often through mouse functions, buttons, or other actions from the user. For example, pop-ups are opened using JavaScript. JavaScript is unsupported by about 5% of web users, either because they have turned it off to prevent pop-up adverts or because their browser doesn't support it (source: The Counter). Any JavaScript-driven content provided on your website won't be accessible to these users.

* PDAs, mobile phones and WebTV have limited support for large images, Flash and JavaScript. You can test your website by downloading the free WebTV viewer. You can also check how your website looks on a mobile phone with the Wapalizer. Don't underestimate the importance of this: in 2008 alone an estimated 58 million PDAs will be sold (source: eTForecast) and one third of the world's population will own a wireless device (source: ClickZ)

The cost of credit

In September, Luciana is approved for her first credit card! She grabs her purse and visits her local appliance stores perusing the aisles for the best deal on a refrigerator. After careful evaluation of the different brands and added features she purchases an Energy Star refrigerator with her new credit card. Once home she excitedly awaits the arrival of her purchase enjoying the benefits of using credit to purchase an item her family desperately needs but lacked the ready cash capital to purchase.

Although Luciana and her husband are both employed they found that with their monthly mortgage, electricity and water bills that they could only make minimum payments on their purchased Energy Star refrigerator. Luciana evaluates the cost of having purchased the refrigerator on credit. The price of the refrigerator was $1,500. The interest rate on her credit card was 24%. She calculates that with minimum monthly payments, the cost of the refrigerator plus interest comes to $2,438.13!

As Luciana found there are strings attached to using credit. It costs something. If you are thinking of opening a credit account your first step should be to figure out how much it will cost you and whether you can afford it. Then you should shop for the best terms. Important terms to understand:

- Interest is the amount the lender charges you to let you use their money. It is a percentage of the principal (charged per year, month, or week.)

- Fees cover the lender's costs to review your credit application or to service your account (maintenance fees, service charges, late fees).

Under the Truth and Lending Agreement, the creditor must tell you in writing before you sign an agreement the exact terms. Check the back of the credit card agreement form to review the interest rate, annual percentage rate (APR), and additional user fees. Creditors must tell you when finance charges begin, the default APR and the grace period to pay your purchase balance in full before you pay a finance charge. Study these terms carefully. Understand that these terms can change 15 days upon written notice from creditors. Take charge of your credit! Contact your creditors to ask for the best terms.

Read this if you can t possibly save enough for retirement

It’s relatively easy to save for retirement when you’re still young. Five thousand dollars set aside for a new baby grows to an amount that generates over a $100,000 a year in current-day dollars if the money earns 12 percent annually and inflation runs at 3 percent.

NOTE The data is a little sketchy, but small-company stocks probably deliver average returns of around 12 to 13 percent over long periods of time. Small-company stocks are, however, very risky over shorter periods of time.

The flip side of this is that it becomes difficult to save for retirement if you start thinking (and saving) late in your working years. If you’re 60, haven’t started saving, and want $25,000 a year in income from your retirement savings at age 65, you probably need to contribute annually more than you make.

Say you’re in your 50s—or even a bit older. With the kids’ college expenses, or perhaps a divorce, you don’t have any money saved for retirement. What should you do? What can you do? This situation, though unfortunate, doesn’t need to be untenable. There are some things you can do.

Just say no

One tactic is not to retire—or at least, not yet. After all, you save for retirement so the earnings from those savings can replace your salary and wages. If you don’t stop working, you don’t need retirement savings to produce investment income.
Note, too, that “not retiring” doesn’t mean you need to keep the same job. If you’ve been selling computers your whole life and you’re sick of it, do something else. Get a job teaching at the community college. (Maybe you’ll get summers off.) Join the Peace Corps and go to South America. Get a job in a daycare center and help shape the future.

Give yourself breathing room

A second tactic is to postpone retirement a few extra years, which, of course, also reduces the number of years you’re retired. Rather than working to age 62 or 65, for example, working until age 67 or 69—a few more years of contributions and compound interest income—will make a surprising difference, and you’ll boost substantially the money you receive from defined-benefit retirement plans. If you’re paying a mortgage, maybe you can pay that off in those few extra years, too.

Redefine your sense of affluence

A third and more unconventional tactic is to decide that less is more and tune into the art and philosophy of frugality. A good book on this subject is Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominquez and Vicki Robin (Viking Penguin, 1992). And if you decide to live on less while you’re still working, you’ll end up saving a lot more over the remaining years you work.