Thursday, March 31, 2016

Imagine that defining an imaginal education

Education is failing in the United States. By saying this, I know that I join the ranks of the self-appointed Cassandra’s who hurl our hands up to our foreheads and sing the doom of a nation. But it’s true.

And most of the wailers miss the point. Underlying the political agendas, funding battles, culture wars, and the simultaneous disrespect for and outrageous expectations of teachers, there is a much deeper failure.

Think of a moment in your life when you were completely caught up in learning something. In that moment, learning wasn’t about facts, tests or grades, succeeding or failing. Instead, it was an all-consuming, joyful burst of energy and pleasure at finally discovering something. Of understanding something. To borrow from Shakespeare, it was an instance of god-like apprehension, comprehension of our place as partners in a creative universe.

How often have you had a moment like that in your educational process? If you’re like most people, pretty rarely. Somewhere along the line, education became a consumerist contest of amassing skills and factoids and spewing them back to the world like game show geeks. But when we become glorified databases, we lose the analytical abilities that keep us from being engulfed by systems (be they political, religious, societal, or media) without bothering to ask if they should exist at all. We have all of the pieces out of the puzzle box and arrayed on the table, but we don’t have a picture to follow.

And that’s what we’re missing: the picture. The image. The imagining. Our failure is a failure of imagination, both in what we teach and how we teach it, but also, far more importantly, a failure to understand that education is ultimately about imagination itself.

When we become imaginal learners, we move beyond passive collectors of information into creators. We find the enchantment, the poetics of learning, and we can imagine entire universes into being. Learning becomes a spiraling generative process that invites us to continue to learn and to shape ourselves and our worlds.

So what would an imaginal education look like? Part of its beauty, and admittedly, its complexity, is that there isn’t one answer. It is an invitation for each learner to understand herself and the world around her as a classroom. It is about inviting wonder to be your partner, and continually asking “why” and “how” and “what if” about everything and everyone that crosses your path.

Since it is so vast, let me try to sketch out an example from a very small, prosaic beginning point: the number 32. I have a painful memory of standing in a classroom with flashing cards and spots before my eyes, trying to spit out multiplication tables. But in spite of that (mostly because I count on my fingers), I know that eight times four is thirty-two.

In an imaginal learning context, the flash cards are gone. The walls of the classroom are gone, replaced by a hillside on a quiet night where the stars seem made for counting, and infinity has a tangible and richly mythic presence. So I lie on my back, and imagine a life for the number 32. A combination of eight (a sideways symbol of infinity) and four (of the four elements) make up the sinuous and stable combination of thirty-two. I imagine its colors, its own suggestion of infinity when turned sideways – like three mountains and the beginnings of a fourth.

And then I begin to count. Eight constellations, each of four stars. Sixteen pairings of two. I remember the stories of the constellations. I make up poems with four stanzas of eight lines each, and drum out rhythms in 4/4 and 2/4 time. And then I explore 32 as a leaping point into other thoughts, other disciplines, awareness of myself and those around me. For example, in the Buddhist tradition, there are 32 body parts. How many can I count? And what lies underneath a philosophy that identifies the body this way? Or, I look to language. BalagtŠ±s Tagalog, one of the indigenous languages of the Philippines that is being replaced by a state sanctioned combination of Filipino and English, has 32 letters. What letters would I add to the English alphabet? And can I understand the despair of losing my language and the identity that goes with it?

As philosopher and mathematician Gaston Bachelard writes, imagination is “a voyage into the infinite.” Education is the most powerful when its goal isn’t overtly focused on what it will achieve for us, but instead when it is an open process that seduces us into searching for what we’ve not been able yet to see. It helps us not only to fit the puzzle pieces together, but to turn the pieces into the image that we have created.

In that voyage, we become infinite ourselves. And education stops being a metaphorical key to a brand new refrigerator and dining set that you vie for because you want to be a good consumer, but instead truly becomes something that is good for the entirety of the soul.

Persuasion through isolation

Last year I saw a documentary about the cult leader Jim Jones called "Jonestown: The Life And Death of People's Temple". It is the history of the murder/"suicide" of 913 members of the People's Temple in Guyana through photos, clips, recordings and interviews of surviving members.

The Reverend Jim Jones was a master at getting people to join his "ministry" because he reached out to people who were disenfranchised and he preached equality. This appealed to a larger community and he expressed caring and was able to eventually use his power to persuade the followers to drink cyanide-laced cherry Flavor Aid.

This is a very disturbing example of evil persuasion through isolation, charismatic authority and all of this in relationship to brainwashing and manipulation.

There are two kinds of isolation--physical and mental. Jim Jones used both.

Physical isolation isn't always possible for some cults, MLM companies or religions. It's possible they may employ both kinds of isolation, but normally the mental isolation is enough to keep their members involved. They begin to "divide and conquer" the members by suggesting that anyone who doesn't support their choice in life of belonging to the group/cult/religion/MLM, is not looking out for their best interest.

When isolation is used by someone who has bad intentions, it is a very dangerous tool.

Isolation can also be used for sales or business on a more reputable level.

Mental isolation is most effective with customers/clients/prospects who you see on a regular basis. Lots of small interactions tend to create more loyalty. Cafes are a good example of this. It's competitive. People have many choices from chains to locally owned chains to independently owned mom and pop cafes.

Recently I was in a locally owned cafe where the owner sparked up a conversation and suggested their product was not generic, it was high quality and didn't cost a fortune like the most famous national chain. If you are invested in a home grown, grass roots type of existence, this remark might be preaching to the choir. Alternately, if you're someone who doesn't pay much attention to things like that, then it might plant a seed or it might just float right past you.

Some religions use isolation in terms of imposing rules about what is and what is not okay to talk about with non-members or "outsiders".

I consider myself a very spiritual person and this is in no way a judgment about religion. it's just a way to illustrate persuasion and how the persuasion of isolation is used to indoctrinate members of a given group.

Creating a shared experience is another way to create a psychological isolation. This can be accomplished in business by having a retreat or conference. It can be used to reward employees. Shared tragedy also has this effect. Think of 9/11 wives/survivors, New Orleans residents who were at the Superdome, Gulf War veterans. All of these groups have incredibly powerful bonds and there is the potential for them to become very committed to each other.

The final strategy in isolation is to 'predict the future'. Sales people do this all the time in response to the 'shop around' objection. "Sure, go ahead. But X shop doesn't have our selection (return policy, prices, etc.)" Cults use this future predicting by telling new members that their "choice" in joining will be ridiculed by friends and family. The cult leaders offer this as "proof" that the new member's family and friends obviously don't care about them as much as the group does. 'If they really cared about you, wouldn't they be glad that you found something to make you happy?'

I urge you to use this information with integrity and honesty. Failing to do so will most definitely come back to bite you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tips on recycling office paper

There are several good reasons why office paper must be recycled. First, papers used in offices are usually high-grade, and it's a shame to see these quality paper reduced to waste. A staggering 77% of these papers are recyclable. Second, an average business office employee can produce a pound and a half of paper waste in working for a business office daily. Finance offices generate waste paper from two to three pounds per employee daily. Third, production costs can be lowered simply by reducing office paper costs and using used paper whenever possible. Removing office paper from the garbage can reduce waste collection fees by 50%. Fourth, a ton of paper recycled is 6.7 cu yds saved landfill space. Removing this much paper from our waste would prolong the service of present landfill sites. Whether your paper supplies are plain white paper, copier paper, office paper, inkjet paper, or letter paper, these are all easily recycled.

There are easy steps to recycling office paper. Recycling can start as soon as your employees are informed and consulted regarding the adoption of recycling schemes. Make sure that all employees know about the recycling program of your company. Recycling systems as simple as monitoring paper use and separating white paper from colored paper are widely-practiced in most offices. Placing labeled trash cans has proved to be an effective recycling method. Be sure, however, that the cans are placed where waste paper amounts to a significant number like in the computer rooms and records sections. Put the recycling can together in an accessible area so people will actually use them. Consulting the employees who work in that particular area where to position the recycling cans is a good idea. It's always a good idea to separate white papers like bond paper, copier paper, paper supplies, office paper, inkjet paper, and letter paper, together rather than mixing them with other paper like cardboard and newspapers. This way, even if you don't reuse the paper but sell them to recycling shops they will a higher value, since white paper costs more. It's also important to inform the maintenance crew. After all, you wouldn't want to waste your employees' recycling efforts undone by having an uninformed janitor haul your papers and dump them with food garbage. It's advised to train them how the recycling system works.

Lastly, these reams of bond paper, copier paper, paper supplies, office paper, inkjet paper, and letter paper materials can bring you good money. So it's recommended to have a log book or record book handy to record the amount or weight of office paper that came from your company. This way, you can keep track of your paper wastes and evaluate if your recycling paper program is actually working to reduce paper use and waste in your office. Also, by keeping a record and receipt, you can be sure to be properly paid for them by the recycling companies.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Garage doors

When designing your new house you will need to decide what type of garage door will be suitable.

The garage door will have to follow in the style of the whole house and this can also determine the materials that your door will be constructed with.

There are various types of garage doors than can be constructed from wood, aluminium, steel, glass and other materials.

The materials can also determine what type of door you will be buying.

There are overhead doors, bi-folding doors and doors that roll back against empty wall space.

Obviously the roll back doors will take up quite a lot of room in the garage where you won't be able to use the wall space.

If space is limited then an overhead door might be a better alternative.

If you are living in a particularly wet climate, then the overhead door can create problems as the water runs off the door when it rests up against the ceiling of your garage.

A roller door doesn't create quite so much of a problem as the water is limited to the area of the roll at the entrance of the garage.

Overhead doors generally need to be constructed with lighter weight materials although there are many overhead wooden doors due to the advanced track and roller construction that has been designed in modern doors.

Garage doors can cost a lot of money but they can also make or break the whole visual effect of your finished house so cost alone shouldn't be the deciding factor when buying your door.

There are several excellent websites on the internet that offer information and price comparisons for garage doors but you will probably need a door professional to give you specialist advice at your property to ensure you make the right decision.

Buying the right garage door can add thousands of dollars to the value of your house.

Accessorize your wedding attire with a stunning bridal handbag

If there's one day when you want to look stunning, it's your wedding day. You also want to be practical on this busy day. You probably would like to carry a few needful things along so you'll have them on-hand as you prepare for the reception or as you drive away into the sunset with your beloved. Bridal handbags are both stunning and practical for this very purpose.

Bridal handbags, or wedding purses, come in all shapes and sizes with many dashing designs, and with just enough room to carry those small personal items such as touch-up powder, eye liner, lipstick, deodorant, a comb or brush, keys, handkerchiefs, or maybe even a little spare change! After the wedding, there are always photos, reception food and drink, and a time of fellowship with family and friends. A bridal handbag allows you to carry a few things along to touch up your hair and makeup as you make the transition from the wedding to the reception.

Types of Bridal Handbags

Bridal handbags are usually very small and easy to carry. They may be decorated with sequins, beads, crystals, lace, ribbons, miniature tassels, or precious stones. Wedding handbags are usually made of materials such as satin, silk, nylon, or polyester.

There are three basic styles of handbags for brides: clutch, fancy, and structured. Clutch bridal purses are typically made of silk or satin, have an inner lining, and do not have straps or handles. Fancy handbags are usually made with elegant designs embellished with precious stones, crystals, or beads. They also come with decorated handles made of metal or cloth with optional shoulder straps. Structured wedding handbags have a stable bottom and are usually made of satin, silk, nylon, or polyester. They also usually have handles and clasps made of metal.

Accentuate Your Wedding Dress

Bridal handbags are a great accessory for your wedding attire. Choose a bridal purse that matches or complements your dress, jewelry, tiara, and wedding shoes. The handbag should be made of the same or similar material as your dress and have similar patterns and designs. If your dress has lace and white pearls, find a wedding purse decorated with lace and white pearls (or beads that resemble pearls).

Choose a bridal handbag that fits your style and your figure. The handbag should be easy to handle and not too large. You don't want to attract too much attention to your wedding purse. It shouldn't stand out, but it should blend with your other attire. It should add a touch of elegance without dominating the reception photos.

Wedding Handbags as Bridesmaid Gifts

Wedding handbags can also be ordered to match the dresses of bridesmaids and given as gifts from the bride. Choose handbags that your bridesmaids can use for other occasions, not only at the wedding. Every woman and girl loves a new handbag, so these make excellent gifts!

If you're not sure where to shop for bridal handbags, you can find a variety of styles online along with other wedding accessories such as tiaras, ring cushions, jewelry, and more. Use these tips to find a lovely bridal handbag for your special day!

How to avoid a common meeting planner s nightmare

Picture this: You sign up for a new online registration service. You learn the system and you begin taking registrations for your event.

Next thing you know, you've got problems: You discover the system doesn’t work as well as you’d hoped. You call Customer Service, but can’t seem to get the help you need. So, you decide to switch services. But to your dismay, you discover you’re going to lose a lot of money if you switch now because you’re locked into a contract.

Frighteningly, this scenario is not uncommon. A lot of unsuspecting folks get into bad deals with less-than-ideal products… and then have to pay a fortune to switch.

For this reason, it is essential that you only use services that let you “try it before you buy it.” This prevents you from getting locked into a system that isn’t right for you.

With a system like this, you should never have to worry about getting “stuck” because you can try it out for free… plus some services offer pay-as-you-go pricing and never require you to sign a contract. You should only use a system if you LOVE it, and you should never be forced into using it.

Similarly, it is important to find a system that offers pay-as-you-go pricing, that never requires you to sign a contract, and who’s sales team isn’t on commission. This way, if you only do one event a year, you only pay to take registrations for that one event, don’t have to pay any unnecessary monthly fees or maintenance costs, and only pay when you’re actually processing registrations with the system.

Too, as mentioned above, the sales team is highly important to your customer satisfaction. With a non-commission-based and overstaffed sales team, you never get a “hard sell,” and your calls will hopefully get answered over 90% of the time by a real person and your emails are responded to within a couple business hours.

The bottom line is you want to try out a registration service before you’re financially committed to using it. Avoid signing long-term contracts or getting roped into a system that’s not right for you. Make sure that you can do all the research needed before you pay to find a friendly easy-to-use system that offers everything you need.

A quest for answers

I have written a handful of articles about cars. The ones about “muscle cars” or the old generation and new generation are easily my most popular articles. In a quest to find out why this debate seems so popular I have developed a survey, which will be found in the “about the author” section below.

This one survey may not answer all the questions but it will be a good start. It was funny because as I was creating the survey I was trying to figure out which I prefer and I could not do it. I think it is because I like combinations of both. I was watching the Barrett Jackson classic car auction this winter and there was a car I would love to have had. It was an old muscle car, a 1970 Cuda or Challenger I believe, and it had a modern day Dodge Viper power plant.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both generations, at least in my opinion. I love the styling of the older cars, without a doubt. I like the fact that the older cars are bigger and more comfortable in many ways. Take a 1969 Chevy Camaro for example. You compare it to a 2002 Camaro and there is clearly much more room in the 69 model. There is more room in the car and there is a TON more room under the hood. Ever try working on one of those fourth generation f-bodies? They are brutal.

I also like the quality. The older GM’s are much higher quality. That is back when GM was at the top of its game and they actually cared about making cars. Now GM’s biggest business is their mortgage division, GMAC.

One thing that definitely has the newer cars leading over the older cars is the handling and the braking. I have driven my friend’s 67 Barracuda, his father’s 70 Roadrunner, 3 of my own 87 turbo Buicks, my 95 Z28, and a 2004 Nissan 350Z. One thing is clear, as time progressed the handling and braking got better. Although the turbo Buick’s handling and braking were not very good at all. The 1970 Roadrunner had no power steering or power brakes and it had a 383 for an engine. So, it had plenty of get up and go but I found myself praying it found its way to my destination because I was not confident I could navigate it.

At the other end of the spectrum is the 350Z. I took one of those for a ride. It did not possess that same kind of throw you back in the seat power and torque of the American cars, regardless of generation, but it handled like it was stuck to the road. I took a sharp turn by my house at 70 MPH and it felt like I was doing 20 MPH.

Different people like different things. In my survey I put a place for age because while I think most of the older generation will favor the muscle cars of the 60’s and 70’s I do not think that is a given. I see a lot of older guys driving the new cars like a 350Z or Honda S2000. I have heard about the Honda S2000 and how impressive it is but I test drove one of those cars when I was looking to get rid of my last Buick Grand National. I was not impressed by the Honda at all. I have no idea what all the hype is about regarding that car.

One thing that I will find very interesting is the responses from Corvette owners. Corvette has been around for decades and has seen many changes. The majority of the time I see a Corvette on the road it is an older guy driving it. I am curious as to what percentage prefer the 50’s and 60’s Vette’s over the newer models of the last 10 years or so.

The new Corvette Z06 is supposed to be extremely impressive with stock horsepower being rated at 505 hp. I personally like the styling of the newer Vette as well, although I could see why the real enthusiasts might not given its European styling.

One thing is clear, there are a wide variety of factors that go into why someone prefers one car or one generation of cars over the next. But, I hope to answer some of the questions with my current survey. If you are interested in this as well could you please take about 5 minutes, if that, and complete the survey below. Depending on the results I get from the survey I may do some follow up questions as well but this will be a good start at answering the age old debate of which is better, the old generation of muscle cars or the new generation of hi-performance cars.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Editing software for digital cameras

Digital cameras usually come with with editing software. They provide basic editing tools including a red-eye reduction and cropping. Some have instant fix tools that are intended to correct color and lighting, but they can damage your photos with irreversible correction where you have not saved a RAW file to return to if need be. To make the most of your photos you will need to invest in a graphics software program. Investigate the various software packages out there to ensure quality.

1. Basic Tools

The software should include basic tools like cropping or cutting a portion of the photograph in one easy step. There should be a tool to combine various elements from different images to make a collage. It is essential to have a manual adjustment tool for brightness and contrast. You will need a software editing tool that allows you to adjust the color balance and saturation. Filtering tools will ideally include custom, CC or Wratten filters. The tool that allows you to convert the image color to black and white should include several editing options. Two of the most common are greyscale and duotones.

2. Dodge, Burn, Smudge Tools

Other important Digital Art tools that will assist you in making artistic statements with your photographs include global or selective dodging, burning, blurring and mosaic. More advanced editing programs include vignetting, linen, solarizing, posterizing and embossing. Most wordprocessing and photo editing software provide image management options today that allow you to place an image in front of text, in-line with text or behind text. Sophisticated desk-top publishing software will provide text and image boxes to manually place your material.

3. Printing Options

Photo editing software should allow for a variety of print options including duplex printing and large format document prints. When buying computers and printers be sure to consider the need for a full-color photography printer ideally with CD imprint capabilities. Depending on your needs, you may want to include video editing software options that will allow you to integrate your photographs in short movies and audio-video presentations for home or work. CD and DVD burner capabilities make sharing, archiving, labeling and storing the creations you make from your photographs much easier.

4. Scrapbooking

A popular new use of digital photographs is for digital scrapbooking. It is a great way to present your photographic treasures to family and friends. Digital cameras can be used to document artifacts, art and items you want to sell on the Internet. Digital scrapbooking and gallery techniques with related software will assist you in achieving the best result.

Scrapbooking software may include tools for restoring old or damaged photographs and for retouching dirt specks and scratches. The software will have settings for sharpening and unsharp, masking, removing distracting backgrounds and creating album pages. Be sure the software includes tools for resizing images, monitoring and changing the photographs dots per inch or dpi resolutions. Resizing should provide several measurement options including per inch.

5. Placing Images On The Web

Try Java Script if you want to edit images on the internet. This allows you to manipulate your photos in a variety of ways using mini programming techniques. Java Scripting may become an artistic goal of your photography and thus inspire a variety of options while you are taking photos.

Digital photography can be shared with anyone who has internet access! That is ample motivation for presenting the best image we can produce with the time and resources we have. Become more familiar with editing programs and make the best out of your keepsakes.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Trips to hawaii getting there without going broke

A trip to Hawaii, how does that sound? If you are like just about everyone else in the world, you would likely think that it sounds pretty great. As much as a large number of individuals would love to take a Hawaii trip, only a small portion of those individuals end up doing so. There are a number of different reasons for this, but one of the most common reasons is money. Unfortunately, a large number of individuals, mistakenly, believe that a Hawaii trip is out of their reach. If you are interested in taking a Hawaii trip, there are a number of different ways that you can go about doing so, without having to go broke.

Perhaps, the best way to save money on a Hawaii trip is by watching how you book your reservations. In Hawaii, you will often have your choice of a number of overnight accommodations. These overnight accommodations tend to include vacation resorts, vacation homes, hotels, and oceanfront rentals. In most cases, you will find that it is cheaper to stay at a vacation resort or hotel, than it is to rent a private vacation home. If you plan on traveling around Hawaii a lot, you may also find it easier and cheaper to rent your own vehicle, instead of relying on public transportation. By carefully choosing and making all of your travel arrangements, including your overnight accommodations, you should easily be able to save money on your next Hawaii trip.

In addition to carefully choosing where you stay and how you will travel, while on a Hawaii trip, it might also be a good idea to make your reservations with the purchase of a Hawaii vacation package. Hawaii vacation packages tend to include a number of important things, all in one package. It is not uncommon for Hawaii vacation packages to include overnight accommodations, airline reservations, and car rentals. Perhaps, what is the best about vacation packages is the ability to make one large payment, for your trip to Hawaii, instead of having to make multiple payments. In addition to saving yourself time and a hassle, you should also save yourself money. Almost all Hawaii vacation packages include travel deals and discounts; deals and discounts that just may make a trip to Hawaii affordable.

You can also enjoy a Hawaii trip, without having to go broke, by thoroughly planning for your trip. This can be done once you have already made your reservations and as you are preparing to leave for Hawaii. For instance, you will want to examine what the weather forecast will be like in Hawaii for your trip. The projected weather forecast is vital to the preparation of your Hawaii trip. Should you pack the wrong clothes or head to Hawaii unprepared, you may need to make additional purchases once you arrive there. Whether you need to purchase warmer clothes or health and beauty products, these unnecessary purchases can easily drive up the cost of a trip to Hawaii. That is why it is advised that you take the time, before you leave for the airport, to make sure that you have everything that you need, as well as everything that you will want for your trip.

It might also be a good idea to plan out the attractions and activities that you would like to participate in or visit while on vacation. You can easily familiarize yourself with popular Hawaii activities and attractions by using the internet or by requesting free Hawaii vacation guides. Planning out your activities, ahead of time, may give you the opportunity to determine how much you will have to pay for them. If you are looking to enjoy your Hawaii trip, without having to pay more than you want or need to, creating a travel plan, as well as a travel budget is the way to go.

Although Hawaii trips are almost always worth the money that is spent on them, no matter how much or how little that money is, you may not want to spend more money than you need to. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you can easily enjoy a Hawaii trip, without having to go broke.

B vitamins and acne

How do all the B vitamins (b5, b6, b12, etc.) help acne?

Unlike the other acne fighting vitamins that have been mentioned, the B Vitamins are unique. The B Vitamins include many different vitamins that are all clumped together both in their name and usually in how they are taken. B Vitamin supplements almost always come in a B Complex form due to the fact that each B Vitamin has its own benefits to the body. In fact, those considering using supplements to fight their acne should definitely go with B Complex vitamins since not only to they help with acne but also simply due to all the other positive effects they have in maintaining a healthy body. In actuality, the B Vitamins are more like "super-vitamins" due to their many uses.

Since each B Vitamin contributes in a variety of ways to the fight against acne, this article will discuss each different B Vitamin that is involved in helping to maintain clear, healthy skin. Arguably the best aspect of these B Vitamins is that there are so many, they are almost always taken in conjunction, and they have so many uses in the body besides fighting acne and keeping skin nice and clean.

Here is a breakdown of the B Vitamins:

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) -- Thiamine is an antioxidant and it helps to rid the body, and the skin, of toxins and free radicals, therefore helping to keep the skin clear and acne free. It also enhances circulation and helps with digestion.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) -- Riboflavin is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. It helps to strengthen and repair the skin and helps to prevent acne from forming. In addition, Riboflavin also works with Vitamin A to promote a healthy digestive tract.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) -- Niacinamide is essential for maintaining healthy skin and helps to improve circulation. It helps to prevent acne from forming and spreading. It also helps the metabolism break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) -- Pantothenic acid greatly helps in reducing stress. Stress is a leading cause of acne breakouts and pantothenic acid can help to keep it under control. It is also needed for proper functioning of the adrenal glands.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) -- Pyridoxine is extremely important in the functioning of the immune system and of antibody production. It also helps to fight acne.

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) -- Works in conjunction with other vitamins and enhances their effects and helps them to better maintain healthy, clear skin. On its own, also helps to increase energy and helps to maintain healthy nerve cells.

A vitamin deficiency in many of these alone can lead to breakouts of acne. Thankfully, these vitamins almost always come together in Vitamin B Complex's which can be purchased easily. Making sure that one gets enough B Vitamins is crucial in maintaining healthy skin and fighting acne.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Overland park attractions - arabia steamboat museum

Are you planning on visiting the Overland Park, Kansas area soon? If you are you must read this article. It will tell you about one of the best places to visit in Overland Park. That place is the Arabia Steamboat Museum. Keep reading to learn a little more about this great destination.

The Arabia Steamboat Museum is a museum dedicated to preserving a steamboat by the name of the Arabia which traveled the rivers until 1856. In 1856 it sank and was lost only to be rediscovered 132 years later with its cargo still intact. It is an interesting destination to say the least. So what is there for you to see and experience at the museum? The museum will give you a glimpse into the life of the frontiers of the past. When you arrive you will be taken on a guided tour which will tell you about this steamboats history. It will tell you about its history, its sinking and its resurrection. The tour even includes a short video of the excavation process which will show you what went into reclaiming the vessel. You will then be taken to the actual ship which is quite a sight for any history buff. The museum is not only about the vessel though. It is also about the contents of the steamboat which were also recovered. Case after case was recovered from the vessel. This includes glass bottles, fabrics, sewing supplies and a number of different personal belongings which are of great interest. There is for example tools, dolls and more items that belonged to those aboard the ship. And since the museum is still a work in progress more items are being offered every day. Items are still being painstakingly restored behind the scenes. This means that the museum is constantly changing and expanding so even if you have been to it before you might want to take a return trip.

Hopefully this article has give you enough information to convince you to add the Arabia Steamboat Museum to your list of things to see in Overland Park. You can find the museum at 400 Grand Boulevard in Overland Park. For more information call (816) 471-1856 . Enjoy.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Ecuador casinos

Ecuador casinos are found mostly in nice hotels and unlike the casinos in North America are not open 24 hours a day. The casinos are typically found in hotels that cater to the business traveler and are therefore close to major airports. Some of the casinos feature bars; however, the ones that don't generally feature bars and restaurants within the hotel.

There are four Ecuador casinos in the capital city of Quito which is located in the province of Pichincha. The largest is the Best Western Plaza Hotel Casino with 176 slot machines and 25 table games. This Las Vegas style casino offers blackjack, big six, poker, craps, baccarat, Spanish 21, and roulette. The casino also features a hippodrome room and two bars. The hotel has 100 rooms and suites and two restaurants.

Also found in Quito is the Hilton Hotel and Casino Colon Quito. Table games include baccarat, poker, roulette, and blackjack, and the casino features 91 slot machines. The casino and the hotel, with 399 rooms and suites, is located in the financial district. Quito has smaller, lesser-known casinos in addition to the larger ones.

Guayaquil is the largest city in Ecuador and is located in the province of Guayas. Guayaquil features four Ecuador casinos. The Hilton Hotel and Casino Colon Guayaquil features 107 slot machines and nine table games. Blackjack is the most popular table game, but the casino also offers mini-baccarat, Caribbean stud poker, and roulette. The hotel and casino are close to the Guayas River and 5 minutes from Simon Bolivar airport.

Another Guayaquil casino is the Unipark Hotel and Unicasino, which features 113 slot machines and seven table games, comprised of blackjack, baccarat, and roulette. The hotel features six restaurants and 139 rooms and suites.

Oro Verde Hotel and Casino Guayaquil boasts 85 slot machines and 10 table games. Table games include Caribbean stud poker, roulette, blackjack, and baccarat. The hotel features 152 rooms and 60 suites. Multi-cultural cuisine is offered at the hotel's six restaurants and bars.

You'll also find Ecuador casinos in the provinces of Machala, Manta, and Salinas, although they are scarce in these areas.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Business marketing by riding the holiday sled

Amongst hundreds of research on consumer spending and buying, the holiday season has been declared the time where business boom is expected and where your business can get a lot of exposure to your consumer.

This may be the time where most people would want to spend a cup of eggnog at the fireplace with family members and close friends seizing the cozy atmosphere. This is also the time where people would want to share things to people and give to their loved ones. Thus more and more people would want to give unique personalized gift items that are affordable.

Anticipate the Season

By making an annual business marketing plan you can layout and plan ahead on which part of the year would you want to drive people in. You want to expose your wares and services to as many people as possible in order for them to come back and for you to get that repeat purchase from them.

Months before or by the middle of the year it would be wise to start rolling out the holiday marketing plans to give you a head start on other businesses. This may save you money since the demand is still low. Often business services offer discounts on clients who book them early so this could mean more savings for you.

Promotional Prices and Packages

At the start of the season, it would be wise to do promotional sales and offer discounts to entice more consumer traffic and let those consumer dollars stay on your cash register. Offering it earlier than others may give you a step ahead by letting your market spend their budgets on your wares than those of the competitors or on other gift items.

Giving an early bird discount on gift certificates is another way to ensure that the recipient would go straight to your shop and the best thing about it is that its being paid in advance which means an add on earning even before the item is bought.

Personalized Wares

Since the world is experiencing a slow down in its economy, many consumers now are learning to be shrewd and may want to get every worth of their penny out of the item. It is advisable to carry products that are personalized and reasonably priced. Selling personalized wares gives out the impression of being special rather than pricey.

Holiday Giveaways

This is also the best time to acknowledge your loyal customers and patrons by giving away personalized gift items to them with an accompanying greeting card. This can give the patrons a feeling of importance and would give them a feeling of belongingness to the group instead of identifying them as customers.

Giving out is synonymous with the holiday season. This is why it would be a great way to take advantage of the season where people are willing to pay for something that they might perceive as what the recipient need or wants. Also, this is the time where employers give out bonuses to employees which would mean extra money to spend for the holidays.

Internet payment solutions - need one

So your business has expanded to reach the point where you need to find an effective Internet payment solution? The first option to consider is applying for a merchant account. If your business enjoys a solid credit history, pays its bills on time, and avoids controversial dealings, your application should be approved without a hitch. Then you can set up a company Website where you can sell more products and services and let customers pay with a credit card online.

This Internet payment solution is one of the fastest growing e-commerce innovations today. No matter how large or small your company, it is always a good idea to put up a Website to establish a cyberspace presence. At their leisure, your current and potential new customers can visit your site and browse all kinds of information, such as hours of operation, product lines and price lists, testimonials, FAQs, and other useful details. When you install a credit card processor, guests can shop on the Website and pay with plastic by inserting the cardholder’s name, account number, and date of expiration. There is no need to wait around for a check in the mail or a hand-delivered money order.

Pricing for this type of Internet payment solution will vary. After being approved for a merchant account with a participating financial institution that will most likely be a bank, you can shop for the best deal associated with your new merchant status. In some cases, the installation fee will be waived. In other situations, you can get a low transaction fee or an inexpensive monthly percentage rate that will be paid on your account. Other fees may apply, like those associated with membership, maintenance, and gateway service, so you will need to ask about these and other possible costs before signing up for your account with a particular bank or credit union.

Your individual Internet payment solution can be tailor-made to suit your company’s needs. For example, you can apply for a high-volume merchant account if you are doing a brisk business, or you can stick with the conventional merchant account if you are still building a client base. Then you can decide whether to use the regular credit card payment method via the Website or whether you prefer guiding guests to a toll-free number that can be dialed for orders. Discuss you specialized needs with a merchant account associate who can explain the pros and cons of each option so that you can make an informed decision rather than buy the least expensive or the most up-to-date equipment.

Doing business on the Internet can seem a little overwhelming to entrepreneurs who worry about transactional security, fraud, unwanted spam, and computer viruses. Take a short course like those offered by the major computer manufacturers to learn about Internet payment solutions and how to secure your Website. When you are ready to take the plunge, open a merchant account, set up a company Website with ordering capabilities, and provide customers with your Internet payment solution.

Don t get ripped off on golf vacations

Whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a 10 day golf adventure to the Caribbean, there is one thing in common with all golf trips and vacations… rip-offs are common.

Here are a few things to be careful of when booking your next golf trip.

1. Cart Fees.

Many courses will require you to rent a cart, even though your package deal never mentioned it. Make sure you know up front if cart fees are included and or required.

2. Course Surcharges

You may be offered to “upgrade” to a better course when you arrive at your destination. This is a common practice in many areas. The fact is that the course you “upgrade” to in many cases will not be any better than the course you are booked on.

3. Internet Deals

Many golf trips these days are sold by internet resellers. The price may be right, but they have no idea of the local market. They are selling a commodity and could care less what other events are happening in the area or what local conditions are. Dealing with local people in the area you plan to visit will eliminate many of these surprises.

4. Do you need a “package” deal?

You will find that package deals sometimes will cost you more than just booking a hotel and a “golf” market and winging it. Once you book your accommodations, the concierge or front desk will be able to direct you to the best deals. This works especially during the off peak times. So many people get involved in the package deals that the prices can be increased by 50-75% over what it would cost you to book it yourself.

To save a ton of money, call the local area Better Business Bureau (all the offices are online at bbb. com) and ask for information on the local public courses. In addition just Google “Golf In …), you will come up with a ton of options.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Forex trading the most common flaws

Flaws due to multi indicators and due to the principle of confluence:

Many traders are very much attracted to the sophistication offered by the multi indicators and use them in their forex trading systems. Many of the confluence system indicators show the price movement and in no way adds any value to the trade. Due to this, the traders either end up over bought or over sold technical indicators like the stochastic, momentum indicators, candle stick chart pattern recognition, Bollinger band breaks out even neural networks which are supposed to be artificial intelligent systems. The technical indicators just show signals which are similar to buy or sell or hold, making the signal generated to be correct. Theoretically it sounds good but in reality to arrive at a conclusion might be difficult. As a result the traders are confused in making a right decision. They either enter too late or too early or remain still without being able to make a decision to enter the market. The major flaw is due to the use of useless trading system which does not serve the purpose to make profits, but confuses the traders and complicates the forex trading until the trader loses.

Another dangerous flaw found in forex trading is of an emotional nature interwoven into the process. It is fear and greed of the trader. A profitable forex trade can lead to exuberance and over joy, but this is the time when greed comes in and crosses the aspects of risk management. When a trader is hooked to winning, out of greed he over-rides all aspects to see more and more profits, only to see them crash to earth. They wait for the prices to regain, but in dismay may some time and with worst possible losses. This is the time when fear crops up and paralyses the trader not making him to open up any position. Hence while trading, the trader should not override the emotional side of trading, stick to discipline of the trade which can prevent them from committing the flaw of forex trading.

Another kind of flaw can happen when the trader is an unconcerned person or the one who is lazy, or with no drive to gain profits or feels the need to be profitable. These people would have entered into forex trading due to hearing it as an easy game. For them it is not a trade which involves skill, trade management, preparation and re-investment. It is a fun game for them, where loses do not make any difference to them. Such persons make a wrong footing, with a wrong objective.

Flaws in forex trading due to the inadequate knowledge of the trader:

Some of the losers start with good purpose in the trade. Even though they had gained some knowledge from here and there they might find it difficult to apply them practically in the trade. Inadequate knowledge might be the major flaw which stops them from achieving success.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Laughing at the indian cricket team

Indian cricket is headed for a disastrous World Cup and only those who wish to bury their head in the sand can think that they will do well there. The pitches in West Indies are fast and the players (who anyway have a tough time on such pitches) will succumb easily. They will advance (I truly hope so) to the next round by beating the weak teams but they will lose once again to the strong ones and they will find ourselves out and forgotten very soon. So instead of feeling sad, the only thing left for the fans to do is to joke about them. So here goes!

The story goes that there was a couple married for quite some time and they had a boy of 5-6 years old. Their relationship was turning sour. So finally it reached such a stage that they thought it was better for them to be divorced than to carry on such a relationship.

So they consulted a lawyer. But the big question was who would have the kid. In the hearing in the court it was decided that this choice should be left to their son. So the judge asked "Son, would you like to stay with your mummy?"

The kid replied," No, mummy beats me."
So the judge asked "Then, would you like to stay with your papa?"
The kid replied, "No, papa beats me too."

Now the judge was in a dilemma and was not able to decide what to do. After pondering for some time he smiled with the ideas he had in his mind about the child.

And he gave the judgment that the kid would stay with

Any guesses?

Come on I know you can guess this.

Ok here is the decision: The judge decided that the kid would stay with the Indian Cricket Team because they never beat anybody.

And here are some one liners to pipe up your day:
Why do Indian babies cry and complain all the time?
They are practicing how to become Indian cricketers when they grow up.

What is an handcuffed Indian Cricketer called?
A cricketer you can trust.

What are the four words that will destroy any Indian batsman?
Did you bat today?

Why doesnt the crowd blink when Tendulkar goes out to bat?
There just is no time until he gets out again.

What is the difference between an Indian batsman and an Australian one?
100 runs.

What is the difference between batteries and Indian cricketers?
Batteries have a positive side.

How do you force Indian cricketers to run between wickets?
You place food on either end.

Yes, I know that some of these jokes are really putting the Indian team down but considering their recent form (excluding the recent two victories against West Indies which I think is more of a fluke than anything else), I felt that I could say such things.

I cannot understand how such players such as Ganguly, Tendulkar, Dravid and the rest can let the fans down time and again. Sometimes it seems that they are not really interested in playing and that they gamble away their wicket easily. If that is the case then they should leave and let other more able and willing youngsters take a shot. They will not fare much worse in any case. What will they do? Lose. They lose anyway and to any cricket playing nation in the world!

Nebraska child support the cornhusker state

Child support plays an important role when it comes to caring for children in need. Child support is provided for single parents to make sure their child/children lives a comfortable life style. Child support laws in Nebraska will provide services to help the custodial and non-custodial parent provide for their children.

Applying for child support

Custodial and non-custodial parents can apply for child support through the Nebraska child support Enforcement Center. There are three options a parent can apply for child support: applying by phone is one option, online, or in person. Applying for child support in Nebraska is only the beginning. For example, in order to establish child support, you must first locate the non-custodial parent and establish paternity.

The child support laws in Nebraska will provide assistance on locating the non-custodial parents. There are several methods used for tracking down the non-custodial parents in order to establish child support. These methods are: calling the non-custodial parent’s family, sending address verification letters to the Postmaster, and checking with credit reporting agencies. If the missing parents are currently working, then they will be located and summoned to court to pay child support if they are the legal parent.

When the missing parent is located, you must establish paternity to make them the legal parent. By making them the legal parent, you then can establish a child support order. If the non-custodial parent acknowledges the child, then they will have to fill out a voluntary paternity acknowledgement form that is provided at the hospital at the time of the child’s birth. On the other hand, if the non-custodial parent denies claim of the child, then you would need to have a genetic test done to see if they are the biological parent.

Once the procedures above are done and the non-custodial parent is found to be the biological parent, you can establish a court order for Nebraska child support.

Child support laws vary in information in each state in America. For contact information on Nebraska child support laws, click the links below.

Comparing credit card offers

How do you start to compare credit cards? Finding out the best credit card to suit your needs can be a very time consuming process but one which can save you money and bring you more benefits than just choosing a credit card at random or the one which accepts your application first.

There are many different types of credit cards on the market but knowing which way you are going to deal with your finances before you apply for one could help you choose the best credit card for you.

If you pay off the total amount of your credit card bill every month then you would benefit from a reward credit card. Reward credit cards can offer cash back if you prefer or if you are a traveler then a credit card that offers air miles would benefit you.

If you already have a credit card, with a big balance, and are looking to switch to another then you may want to take advantage of a 0% balance transfer deal where the balance on your current credit card can be transferred without interest being added for an introductory period. Ultimately this will cost you less and gives you the opportunity to pay off your balance a little quicker. Before choosing your 0% balance transfer credit card be aware of the interest rate after your initial interest free period as some cards can have a high interest rate so look around.

For the more extravagant spender, a 0% purchase credit card could be right up your street. In the first several months as an introductory offer there will be 0% interest on what you spend on your credit card meaning you may afford that little luxury item as you won't be paying interest on your payment.

If you have a bad credit history and are worried whether you would be able to obtain a credit card or not, don't worry, as there are lenders that will deal with your case, although you will most probably be charged a higher interest rate. Credit cards can benefit you if you have had previous bad debt to rebuild yourself a good credit history.

All of these different types of credit cards also have other added benefits included and you should look at them more in depth. You can save a lot of money by comparing credit cards and the hard work of choosing the best credit card will pay off, right into your back pocket.

Monday, March 21, 2016

What do you need to know about ireland travel

Ireland is an exotic tourist spot. It is popularly known for the myths, magical incidents and legendary stories associated with it. Numerous tourists from all round the world are magnetized to view this bewitching place. The wonderful Ireland cities with a horde of interesting activities for young as well as the old and the scenic splendor with which the country is blessed have always been inviting people from all round the world. Ireland is thus deemed to be an ideal place for vacationing.

Ireland like many other places on earth has something for everyone. You can tour the place individually or with your family, there will be no deficiency of fun and amusement. For instance there are water and other sports for kids and adults, rock climbing for the teenagers and other enthusiasts, beaches, botanical gardens, museums, castles and all other attractions that are more than enough to keep you glued to the place.

Ireland is a country that has a rich culture and heritage. The reflection of the tradition of the place can be perceived in the lifestyle of Irish people residing in different Ireland cities.

1. Dublin is an eminent Irish city. It is regarded as the heart of Ireland for more than a few reasons. Dublin is a mirror to the Irish history. It has the many historical monuments that have preserved the priceless Georgian art and architecture. The Custom House, the Gate Theater and the Garden of Remembrance parade much of Georgian architecture. There are also many worth visiting modern art galleries and museums that add to the creative ambience of the place. Apart from this the nightlife of Dublin has always entertained its tourists to best and fullest.

2. The Irish Midlands are known by way of bifurcation into various provinces or counties. These counties are individually famous for some or the other attraction. For instance County Cavan has got recognition due to the River Shanon that flows towards its south, the Killygeen forests and the fascinating activities like fishing, horseback riding and hiking etc. in there. While the County Offaly is popular for its superb science center and ravishing plant and animal life.

3. Moving on to the Northern Ireland region, what is most welcoming here is the capital city of Belfast. Belfast is seen terms of its directions i. e. north, east, west and south Belfast. All the areas have respective allures. If south Belfast has beautiful Belfast gardens and the famous Ulster Museum, the north Belfast has amazing Neolithic caves in the Cave Hill Country Park and the Belfast zoo. Besides Belfast, there are several other counties of Northern Ireland region that have always gained tourist attention.

4. South Ireland area is again a combination of different counties. County Mayo here is a land of lakes and cliffs. This county has some remarkable historical sites that are often a source of information. The County Clarke of this region has multiple lures. There is fishing, boating, mind-boggling stalamites and stalactites in the caves of cliff of Moher, dance, music and theater. The Bunratty Folk Park adds to the amusement sources of this place.

5. Similarly there are other provinces like Northwestern County, which again is subdivided in a number of other counties, Southeastern and Southwestern Counties that too are sectioned in numerous counties.

Finally, Ireland is not just a destination for the rich. Accommodation and other facilities are available for all classes of people. A holiday to Ireland with planned budget can be a dream come true for many people.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Why should i consider a career in seo

Corporate entities are no longer confined in bricks and mortar. They are spreading their tentacles in the virtual world. Businesses are going online. They are building websites, allowing netizens to shop online, aggressively marketing their products on the net and harnessing the power of the Internet to build up leads for their products and services.

The corporate world has also become aware that only 'Building a Site' will not help in drawing prospective customers. Sites as well as brands have to be pushed aggressively, marketed properly and above all ensure that they are able to garner the attention of search engines. This has meant that an increasing number of corporate houses are looking out for trained Internet Marketing Professionals who are aware of the intricacies of search engine optimization.

But, finding such professionals is proving to be a daunting task for recruiters. This is because there are very few institutes offering SEO training and certification. Also, most of the available talent has not received proper training per se but are self-taught professionals. The above-mentioned facts are also supported by experts who state that the industry supply is lagging the demand by 20%.

Robert Half International, world's first and largest specialized staffing firm, cites the job profile of Search Engine Optimizer as 'one of four jobs on cutting edge'. So, should you consider doing a career in Search Engine Optimization?

Let's look at the work profile of a search engine optimizer. MSN Careers states that 'SEOs typically supplement their knowledge of how various search engines operate and determine page rankings with strong marketing skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively and program using HTML.' Thus, SEO comprises all the aspects relevant to building of a website right from its development to the content and designing.

SEO is a sunrise industry. Reports are showing that the spending on SEO as well as online marketing is growing. According to survey conducted by Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), 'North American advertisers spent $9.4 billion on search engine marketing (SEM) in 2006, a 62 percent increase over 2005 spending'. Similarly, a survey conducted by Affinity Internet reveals that 'SMBs will commit greater resources to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing and other online efforts in 2007.' A study conducted by E-consultancy paints a rosy picture about the future of SEO. The study takes into the account the mindset of business houses located in the UK. According to the study, 'Continued pay-per-click growth and keyword inflation have boosted companies' spending on SEM, with an emerging trend towards the long-term benefits of organic optimization as Adwords/Overture costs soar'.

All the above reports point to the fact that the spending on SEO and online marketing is growing. The reports also indirectly underline the fact that the demand for SEO professionals is all set to increase in the near future.

Look at any leading job site. You will notice that there are many openings for SEO. For instance, Yahoo Hotjobs had approximately 214 openings for the month of May 2007 in US alone. Moreover, the jobs available require people with a varying level of experience. So, whether you are a fresher or possess some experience, you are sure of landing a job provided you are equipped with employer-desired skill set and qualifications. Likewise, the pay packet is also good. A fresher can expect to earn between $ 25K-$ 35K which only increases with experience. In fact, according to MSN careers, 'because of a shortage of experts in this relatively new area, many top SEOs receive multiple job offers.'

The fact that the rules of SEO remain same and are immune to geographical locations only increases your chances of getting a job. For instance, if you have received your training from an institute located in India and have worked in a company located in UK, you are still eligible to apply for a job in US.

SEO industry has many interesting careers up for grabs. Equipped with a right kind of certifications and good knowledge about search engines, you can expect to land a challenging and a well-rewarding career.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Selecting the perfect baby furniture for your nursery

The first thing that most new parents think about is a bassinet or a crib. A bassinet is very small and is designed for babies, while a crib is designed for babies and toddlers. The main concern with a crib is that some children may find themselves wedged in between the bars, so pay close attention to the spacing if selecting a crib with your new baby furniture.

For those restless nights, a rocking chair is a must have. This is generally placed next to the bassinet or crib and is for one of the parents to spend time rocking their child back and forth, either to relax them or to help them fall asleep. This is an essential piece of baby furniture and must be well constructed in order to avoid any mishaps. If the chair is assembled upon purchase, double check it’s stability prior to use.

Another important piece of baby furniture is a changing table. This is commonly used for changing diapers, cleaning up after the baby and even dressing the child. It is important to keep the baby’s clothes in one of the changing table’s compartments or right next to the unit in a drawer. The reason that this is so important is so that your hand never leaves the child while on the table, so all clothes must be within reach so that you can safely reach for them while holding onto the child.

A baby bathtub is another essential piece of baby furniture and is designed especially for the little one’s comfort. These are found at any baby specialty store or in the newborn department at a local retail store.

Not necessarily classified as baby furniture, but necessary nonetheless is a baby stroller for taking your newborn for a short walk. In addition, a diaper bag with diapers and an extra change of clothes (for both you and the baby) should be taken along.

When selecting baby furniture, it is important to consider quality above all else. This is the furniture that stands between your child and the floor, so make sure that it is sturdy and secure. In addition, pay close attention to recalls on any baby furniture or accessories. From time to time, certain types of baby furniture may be involved in a recall by the manufacturer. If this is the case, the manufacturer typically offers to either provide a repair, replacement or refund for the baby furniture in question.

Is online medical retailers right for you

There is a wide range of medical supplies available today. It is important though that before you buy your supplies you need to make an informed decision. Whether you need bathroom aids, walkers or wheelchairs it is important to investigate the quality, prices and type of supplies available. With the growth of retail sales in the Internet, there are endless choices of medical supplies. That is why smart shopping pays.

Physicians are often bombarded with countless discount offers from these online retailers. Online shops offer a more convenient way to shop especially to those time-strapped doctors. This is why online medical supply retailers have gained popularity over the years. Nevertheless, some physicians are reluctant to try this virtual market because some sites are not yet a year old. As a result, physicians often wonder if they would be able to deliver their promises. But one cannot deny the fact that online purchasing cost less than buying from regular retailers. With the increased competition in the Web that constantly reduces prices, it is even more appealing for physicians to try these online shops. Additionally, with the products and their prices only clicks away no wonder many physicians are lured into this virtual market.

For individuals who simply need medical supplies or equipments for their home, the online market can also be a good place to shop. There are no nosy salespersons that follow you around, no fuss and no worry of having to make a decision right away. However, you have to ask your doctor, caregiver or rehabilitation therapist which specific piece of equipment is appropriate for you. Know all the details about the supply or equipment. Sometimes a simple crutch can be made more comfortable and safer when correctly used and adjusted. Simply put you need to find a good selection, get informed expert advice and find reasonably priced supplies to find the right medical supplies and equipments.

The continued efficiency of the Internet has helped a lot in keeping the prices of medical supplies and equipments low. Aside from low prices, the easy order system of online stores has made them more appealing. You can easily put a request online and wait for distributors to respond. And bulk purchases are always welcome as most retailers have not set a minimum number or orders. But of course the security issue is always there. Although encrypted sites do well in protecting their transactions, the procedures for distribution of controlled items and drugs has somehow added to the slowed medical sales of online shops. Additionally, because there are no paper trails involved in Internet sales, resolving problems and disputes are often difficult.

Thus, when considering online retailers make sure you have the right reasons to do so. You would not want to regret your purchase in the end. So make an informed decision.

What is a metal detector

As the name suggests a Metal Detector is a kind of instrument, which is used to detect metal with the help of electromagnetic induction. It helps in the detection of land mines, weapons like knives or guns at airports, in treasure hunting or in archeology. It can also be helpful in detecting foreign bodies in food. Construction industries find it useful in detecting steel reinforcing bars present in concretes, pipes, or wires in walls and floors. It can sense any electrically conductive piece of metal. Metal detectors came into being around the end of the 19th century.

Metal detectors have many applications. In archeology metal detectors are of good help. But in some countries like France and Sweden law prohibits metal detectors, but with special permission it can be used. In spite of all these restrictions the contribution of metal detectors in this area cannot be denied. A good example is the utilization of these detectors to inspect wide areas like sites of battlefields, where the only remains could be the surface, scattered with metal objects.

Some times people use consumer metal detectors to find coins on the beach as their hobby. Generally in the following types of hobbyist activities metal detectors are used.

Coin Shooting, searching for coins, mainly old coins.

Prospecting, searching for precious metals like gold or silver

Relic Hunting, searching for any thing that has any historical significance, like weapons.

Treasure Hunting, searching for hidden items.

For security purpose metal detectors are of great help. In airports this is used in great extent as it helps to detect any dangerous items carried by passengers that can cause harm to others, especially weapons,

One should know the right procedure of using a metal detector. Here are certain vital steps for using a metal detector:

The very first thing, that is needed to take care of is tuning. This means the detector must be adjusted so that it can recognize the ground as a channel for the targets to be inside. Sometimes however the devise posses a self tuning trait installed. After this one is ready to go for the search of the targets, coins, treasure or anything. The placement of the loop is also very important. To get the best functioning it should be held at arms length along with the loop and it should be barely above the ground and the loop must always be in motion for best result. While searching with the detector one should move at a slow pace.

Risk factors for prostate cancer

The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped sex gland in men that produces the seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. The growth of the cells in the prostate gland is stimulated by the male sex hormone called testosterone. Though its causes are unknown, prostate cancer is a frightening prospect for men. This cancer threatens not just their lives, but also their sexuality. Possible consequences of treatment (even if the treatment has been successful in saving a person’s life) include erectile dysfunction and bladder control problems. Prostate cancer progresses very slowly and the early stages show little or no symptoms. If detected early, effective treatment with minimum side effects is possible. Once the cancer spreads (metastizes) treatment becomes more difficult.

A man’s vulnerability to prostate cancer increases with age. Most often, prostate cancer is detected very late and people who lose their lives do not die from prostate cancer, but die WITH prostate cancer. As the cancer develops, it eventually squeezes the urethra, which surrounds the prostate. This is when signs and symptoms begin to appear:

-Urgency in urination

-Difficulty in starting urination

-Dull, persistent ache in the lower pelvic area

-Painful urination, a very slow flow (almost like a dribble)

-Intermittent urine flow, and a sensation that the bladder is not empty

-Frequent urination, sometimes including blood

-Painful ejaculation

-Persistent pain in the bones, lower back, hip and thighs

-General ill health, loss of appetite, and decline in weight

If the cells from the cancerous prostrate break away, the cancer will spread. Most commonly, prostate cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, bones in the hips or the lower back, lungs, and sometimes even the brain.

Risk factors:

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. As with almost any other cancer, heredity also plays a key role. For reasons unknown, African-American men seem to have a higher risk of prostate cancer. A fat-rich diet and sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the risk. Fat causes an increased production of testosterone, which may in turn lead to the development of cancer cells. High levels of testosterone mean higher chances of developing prostate cancer. Therefore men who suffer from hypogonadism, or have been undergoing long-term testosterone treatments are at risk. A vasectomy may also result in prostate cancer, though there is no conclusive proof of this.

A routine screening test may reveal the beginnings of prostate cancer. A DRE (Digital Rectal Examination), which involves inserting a gloved finger into the rectum, helps the doctor to examine the prostate. Any change in shape or size of the gland may mean trouble. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test analyzes a blood sample for the levels of PSA. If a higher than normal level is detected, a prostate infection or cancer may be suspected. A transrectal ultrasound helps to further evaluate the prostate using sound waves. If initial tests produce positive results, a prostate biopsy may be done to verify the presence of cancer. If cancer is confirmed, the next step is to investigate the spread of the cancer. A bone scan, CT scan, and Ultrasound scan may be used for this.

The mode of treatment directly depends on how aggressive the cancer is. For most men, a combination of treatments (surgery, radiation paired with hormone therapy, chemotherapy) may prove effective.

The best way to reduce the risk from prostate cancer is to eat a diet rich in fiber and low in fat. Regular exercise also helps.

Don t overpay your taxes

Pay your fair share of taxes and not more. You should be a responsible adult, pull your weight and not shirk your responsibilities. But why overpay your taxes.

There can be a number of reasons – or rationalizations. First a person may want to stay on the right side of the IRS. Why draw concern and attention. So what if I overpay a bit of taxes. At least I will sleep soundly at night. First of all it is highly unlikely that you are going to receive any due consideration or appreciation from the I. R.S. when trouble comes your way. Best not to stay up late waiting for the congratulatory letter from the I. R.S. It’s analogous to the bank who called in a customer for a late payment. The customer asked how much owed - the banker answered $ 1000. The customer reminded the banker (to no avail) that the previous month he had a balance of $ 10,000 in the bank and lost no sleep over it. The banker was not impressed with the debate and arguments made and demanded payment all the same.

If you shop at Wal-Mart do you pay $ 15 for an item that is charged at $ 10? The same holds true when paying taxes. You may say that it is a forced saving. It may well be true that if the money was not held in trust by the IRS you would have no money saved. However two points – first the fact that you are reading this article testifies that you have an interest in not paying extra money for taxes and as well wish to keep or hold onto to more of your money rather than giving it away. In addition at least a bank will give you some interest whereas the IRS will not give you a nickel of interest or consideration even though they held onto your money unnecessarily/ if it is a large sum of money the interest rate can be considerable. In addition if the money is held in a banking account this can directly influence your credit record in a positive way. It is highly unlikely that the IRS will file a report to the banking and credit industry counting up your tax overpayment as a positive note to add to your credit rating. Actually if any financial expert examined your tax payment surplus position they might deduce that you do not manage your money and finances well.

If you want to save money for the future – then save money in a standard old fashioned standard tried and tested way. Simply deposit a regular amount into a saving account at your bank or credit union. Alternatively you can “pay yourself first”. Have your bank or financial institution simply deduct a predetermined amount from your main bank account on a regular basis. It’s painless. What you do not have you will not spend.

The power of compound interest is staggering. You will be amazed at how this saved money will grow. Lastly you will have reasonably ready access to your funds as in the case of a family or auto emergency. Sitting as a surplus in an IRS account means that you will have to wait for the IRS to process your funds before sending you that check.

If you are a business owner, forced to pay tax in bi - annual or quarterly payments then the situation is even more abusive to your tax payments. The extra surplus payments to the U. S. will not only not be paid interest but also may be money borrowed from the bank, credit union or finance company. Talk about adding insult to injury. Not only is the IRS not paying you interest on the overpaid taxes but you are directly paying interest charges for loaning that same cash.

All in all we all have a duty to pay our taxes. However it is not wise and can be downright foolish to overpay taxes. It is really not to our financial or credit benefit.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Improvements in video security a proactive approach towards safer travel

Video security is as much a part of airports as planes and runways. It is unthinkable for an airport - any airport - not to have video security. In fact, in the wake of the events of 9/11, the video security of airports have undergone remarkable transformations.

Innovations in Airport Video Security

If there is anything that the tragic events of 9/11 revealed, it is this: airport security, no matter how sophisticated, is not infallible. Anyone determined to beat the system may do so, provided that he has the gadget and technology needed. With this in mind, experts are now rethinking their approach to airport video security. Instead of collecting data after an incident, the focus is now on anticipating events and addressing problems even before they take place. Additionally, they have introduced two technological breakthroughs to airport surveillance and video security, namely, intelligent video and face recognition.

Intelligent Video Security?

Intelligent video is the latest offspring of the marriage between established video security and newly plumbed video technologies. How does it work? A software is made to work with existing airport CCTV systems. This software revolutionizes the detection process. Traditional video security requires that personnel keep close watch of the images captured. This system is flawed because no matter how many personnel an airport employs, it still is possible to overlook an area, for example. After all, how can one lock into a threatening situation quickly and reliably when one has hundreds, if not thousands, of CCTV cameras to watch?

With intelligent video security, cameras do not only monitor movement, they report aberrant or suspicious behavior. Cameras classify behavior as suspicious if they deviate from the patterns of normal activity coded into the video security system. Once anomalous behavior from a passenger is noted, a video clip is sent to a responder, via pager, laptop, cell phone, or the control center. Should the first responder fail to act, the video clip is sent to another responder.

Face Recognition in Video Security

Another upgrade to airport video security is face recognition. It is already in use in some airports, although application is limited to airport personnel for the time being. Face recognition is highly useful in verifying identity. It is used in two ways in airports. The first is in watch list screening. Live images of passengers are compared to a database of known criminals. The second is in regulating access to restricted areas or airport controls. Badges and uniforms can be stolen easily and quickly; it will require plenty of work to steal a face.

Experts believe that integration of face recognition in the video security of all airports is a cost-effective solution not only to security concerns, but also to lags in paper processing. With face recognition, it will become easier to identify people and match the face to existing records.

It is unanimously accepted that video security helps improve travel safety. Having the best video technology in the world, however, is not what's important. It's what you do with it that counts.

Green tea and its amazing health qualities

The Chinese have known about Green tea as a powerful medication for at least 4000 years. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor called Shen Nung. Some tea leaves accidentally fell into boiling water, and he tried it and found it invigorating. Green tea became part of the Chinese diet and many important health benefits were attributed to it. Now recent medical studies in both asia and the west are providing a scientific basis for the claim that drinking green tea has very significant health benefits.

Green tea, like black tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. The difference between the three main types of tea is the way that they are produced. Green tea is unfermented tea meaning that the leaves used for green tea are steamed soon after been plucked in order to prevent the oxidation of the leaves. In this way the leaves remain green and the active substances within the leaves retain their qualities. Black teas on the other hand are made from fermented leaves and as a result have less nutritional and enzyme content as the green tea. Thus green and black teas have different chemical properties.

Modern science has in recent times been able to demonstrate that green tea is beneficial to one's health and this is mainly due to the fact that tea contains high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols or flavonoids. The antioxidant activity of tea has been compared to that of fruit and vegetables in a number of studies. One study concluded that consuming three cups of tea a day produced a similar amount of antioxidants as eating six apples. Antioxidants help your body fight against free radicals which cause damage to cells and tisuues in your body.

While all tea is healthy to drink, it is green tea that contains the highest level of flavonoids. Recent medical studies suggest green tea to be beneficial in many areas including the following:

-Digestive and respiratory health.

-Lowers cholesterol levels

-Boosts your immune system

-Reduces high blood pressure

-Arthritis - anti-inflammatory effect.

-Oral hygiene - due to antibacterial properties.

-Skin conditions such as acne

-Lowers blood sugar

Weight loss is another area that is attracting huge attention. Recently published research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that an extract from green tea may speed up fat oxidation. A study was conducted of ten healthy men over a period of 6 weeks. It was discovered that those men who were given green tea extract burned more calories per day than those who were not given the extract. Much more research needs to be conducted in this area but the signs are certainly very encouraging.

Anyone for tea

Foreign demand may jeopardize uranium supply for u. s. utilities

We discussed with the Ux Consulting president from which countries future uranium supplies may come, and who is going after those supplies more aggressively. He warns about the risks and rewards of Kazakhstan and Mongolia, looks to Africa for supplies, and talks about Russia’s expansion.

StockInterview: How do domestic uranium prospects rate in the eyes of U. S. and foreign utilities?

Jeff Combs: I don’t think that utilities expect the U. S. to be a major supplier of uranium. What you’re seeing with China and other countries, where nuclear power is growing, is that they’re definitely looking to secure supplies. The Chinese are going to Kazakhstan and also Australia, where there are a lot of uranium reserves, a lot of potential for growth. I think there’s some potential for growth in the U. S. But if you had a fast growing nuclear power program, I don’t think the U. S. is the first place I’d look. I believe that you can look for some opportunities in the U. S. But in general, the U. S. utilities are basically in competition with some of these newer entrants into the market for available supplies. Those are primarily outside of the U. S., as U. S. utilities also depend on imports for most of their supplies.

StockInterview: It appears many countries are racing to secure uranium supplies outside their borders.

Jeff Combs: Even Russia, which was a major exporter of uranium in the 1990s, is looking to secure additional supply sources, first to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, former republics of the of Soviet Union, but also to Africa. Russia has an extremely ambitious reactor expansion program, as well as a desire to greatly increase its exports of reactors to countries like China and India. As it stands now, most of the growth in nuclear power is expected to take place in China, India, Russia, as well as Korea and Japan to a certain extent. All these countries are really looking outside their borders for uranium supplies that are going to sustain them for quite a long period in the future. None of them are blessed with very rich and extensive uranium deposits.

StockInterview: Is Russian President Vladimir Putin trying to create something on the order of a Wal-Mart Super Center for the nuclear fuel cycle?

Jeff Combs: Well, you see them doing a joint venture in Kazakhstan. They’re trying to do something with Kyrgyzstan. They’re definitely looking at how they can shore up their supply through imports, in addition to investing a billion dollars in their own internal production. In this respect, they are trying to draw from their old supply chain arrangements. This is to meet their internal needs, as well as the needs of countries to which they have traditionally supplied reactors and the fuel to run these reactors. As Russia looks to expand its reactor sales to countries that don’t have established fuel cycles, they want to be able to supply them with fuel – possibly even lease them the fuel. This means that they have to be prepared to take back the spent fuel. This is due at least in some measure to nonproliferation concerns, in that you don’t want these new entrants building enrichment or reprocessing plants. While Russia has enrichment capacity and the ability to expand this capacity, they also need uranium to be able to supply these countries with enriched uranium. This is why they’re currently focusing on the uranium side of the equation.

StockInterview: Let’s talk about some of the target countries, where those with the more ambitious nuclear energy programs will want to secure uranium.

Jeff Combs: We have recently done a series of reports, looking at countries where major production is taking place, or could take place. Of course we’ve done them on Canada, Australia, Namibia, South Africa, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. I think the next country might be Mongolia because of the exploration and development activity that is taking place there. Mongolia’s mining laws are very favorable to foreign companies. Mongolia is also located in that part of the world where the bulk of nuclear power expansion is taking place. The problem in Mongolia now is the lack of infrastructure – the location of the exploration sites relative to roads and rail lines, and the ability to connect to the electricity grid and water lines.

StockInterview: There has been so much press and chatter about Kazakhstan. Is there substance in these commentaries, or is it mainly hype?

Jeff Combs: They’ve got a lot of uranium resources and reserves. They’ve also got a commitment to expanding production there and a pretty big customer in China. The hype might be related more as to whether they can do it as quickly as they say, as opposed to whether they can eventually get to the levels they’re talking about. One of the things that will slow them down is the infrastructure, including the skilled work force, needed to expand at that rate. They have increased production. They definitely will continue to increase production, but perhaps not at the rates they are advertising. They’ve produced a lot in the past, in the old Soviet Union days. I think they can get back up to those production levels, but it’s going to take some time.

StockInterview: What will be required to get things going in Kazakhstan?

Jeff Combs: It appears they’ve been able to attract capital. A large part of it is just the time is takes to build the infrastructure, including training workers. You can have all of the investment in the world, but it still takes time to get things done, especially if the infrastructure isn’t well developed in the first place. If you look at Kazakhstan on the map, it is very close or adjacent to Russia, China, and India, where the major part of nuclear growth is occurring. I don’t think there will be any shortage of demand for their output.

StockInterview: Where does Japan fit into the current uranium bull market?

Jeff Combs: Japan is definitely a factor in the market. Their growth might not be as rapid as it once was, or once was expected to be. With Japan you have a country that does not really have any indigenous uranium resources to speak of. They really need to import uranium. To facilitate this and to secure future supplies, Japan has historically developed different supply relationships around the world, both by taking positions in uranium mines and by nurturing long-term relationships with producers. I think that it’s likely the case that this recent price rise caught them somewhat off guard, but recently Japanese utilities have put more effort into shoring up their supply options.

StockInterview: There are countries, which get little media coverage, such as Namibia. How does this country rate?

Jeff Combs: I think Namibia will definitely have an important role in supplying uranium. I don’t think it’s going to have the expansion potential of Canada, Australia, or Kazakhstan, but I think South Africa, Niger and Namibia are going to be an important component for uranium supply in the future.

StockInterview: You mentioned Niger, which was the world’s third largest uranium producer, and has now fallen to number four, behind Kazakhstan.

Jeff Combs: The funny thing about Niger is that in a way it’s sort of fallen off the radar screen. It produces, but it just doesn’t get the press as other places. If the price increases, it really changes how people look at all these different projects going forward and a lot of things, which might not have been looked at 20 years ago or so, are being reinvestigated. Obviously, there is uranium in Niger. It’s quite important to the economy there. As I said, they haven’t really been on the radar screen as much as a lot of other regions in the world. Perhaps this is because production there has been controlled by the French for a long time. There are some Canadian companies exploring in Niger now. Since this activity is fairly recent, it won’t likely bear any fruit for five to ten years down the road.

StockInterview: Do you foresee realistic nuclear energy expansion in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East?

Jeff Combs: Frankly, I haven’t focused on that very much. I know that Turkey is looking to do something. At some point, I think you would see more nuclear power in the Middle East just because the oil supplies aren’t going to last indefinitely. We do a headline news service, and it’s packed full of stories on different countries that are looking at nuclear power. It seems like there is a new country added to the list every day. I know, for instance, that Vietnam is looking pretty seriously at nuclear power. It would not be surprising there would be interest in the Middle East. There is a lot of focus on the problems associated with Iran. Overall, I’m a believer that if you have more nuclear power, then you’re going to have fewer problems with energy and more economic development, higher standards of living, and that’s going to be a big positive that will outweigh the negatives in situations like Iran.

StockInterview: Speaking of Iran, what is Washington’s sentiment toward nuclear energy, aside from the Bush Administration’s endorsement?

Jeff Combs: I think there is a growing recognition, even among Democrats, that you need nuclear power as part of the energy mix. You’re not going to get there just by renewable energy sources. With the environmental and overall energy challenges we’re facing now, with higher and higher natural gas and oil prices. From the U. S. standpoint the vulnerability with respect to secure energy supplies, I think there is a growing recognition that nuclear power is part of the solution, and this thinking extends outside of the Bush administration. I’ve talked to people, and they believe that even if a Democratic administration came in that you really wouldn’t necessarily put a damper on nuclear power.

StockInterview: What about the Hillary Clinton Factor, if she becomes the next U. S. President?

Jeff Combs: I haven’t really asked her for her views on nuclear power recently. I think the story for nuclear power is not so much what happens in the United States, which certainly could add more reactors. The rest of the world probably looks to what the U. S. does to a certain extent. I think the real growth in nuclear power, and what’s likely to drive the market in the future, is on the part of the developing countries in the eastern part of the world. These would be China, India, Korea and Russia, where economies are growing a lot more quickly, not the really mature economies like in the U. S. and Europe. Although I would expect to see some growth there as well. In this respect, having a Democratic president would not derail what’s happening in nuclear power or the uranium market. As mentioned earlier, I think that you see a more general acceptance of nuclear power across party lines, in Europe as well as the U. S., although there are still some factions that are virulently anti-nuclear.